April 20, 2020 - Notre-Dame-des-Pins continues to trust AZIMUT's solutions

The Municipality of Notre-Dame-des-Pins continues to trust AZIMUT by choosing our online data integration and dissemination solution by subscribing to GOnet reserved access, the updated cadastre and its history. She also opted for our online training on the GOnet solution.

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Notre-Dame-des-Pins reiterates its confidence in AZIMUT and acquires GOinfra

May 12, 2020 - The municipality of Notre-Dame-des-Pins opts for GOinfra for the management and updating of its infrastructure.

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Saint-Pie opts for GOinfra

May 7, 2020 - The City of Saint-Pie chooses GOinfra for the management of its assets (infrastructure)

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March 12, 2020 - The Municipality of Astock trusts the AZIMUT team

The management team of AZIMUT Geomatics Solutions is once again pleased to announce the signing of a contract with the Municipality of Adstock for the management of its infrastructure and for the dissemination of its data online.

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February 3, 2020 - The AZIMUT Geomatics Solutions management team is pleased to announce the signing of a new contract between them and the Vallée-de-l'Or RCM, which is added to our list of customers who purchased our geospatial property assessment data management solution.

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December 5, 2019 - the MRC of Nicolet-Yamaska is added to the list of our customers who have purchased our GOnet online data integration and dissemination solution by subscribing to public access, reserved access and access to the updated cadastre and its history for the 16 municipalities that make up its territory.

The MRC of Nicolet-Yamaska also continues to trust AZIMUT technology by adding, to the solutions it already has, the asset inventory management solution (infrastructure), GOinfra as well as the management solution automated archiving, transfer and security of data, GOentrepôt.

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The management team of AZIMUT Geomatics Solutions is pleased to announce the signing of a new contract with the Municipality of St. Louis.

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November 21, 2019 - The Municipality of Saint-Hugues joins our clients in managing the inventory of its municipal assets

The Municipality of Saint-Hugues is added to the list of our customers who have acquired the GOinfra asset inventory management solution (infrastructure) by purchasing: The main license of GOinfra - Office - Module infrastructure inventory management using GIS functionality; GOinfra's license - Field - Module for inventory management of infrastructure in the field using a mobile device (Tablet or telephone).

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September 3, 2019 - Maple RCM joins our customers

The management team of AZIMUT Geomatics Solutions is pleased to announce the signing of a new contract between it and the Maple RCN.

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August 19, 2019 - GOINFRA ACTIVE GESTION SOLUTION - Infrastructure Inventory Management Module

The management team of AZIMUT Geomatics Solutions is pleased to announce the signing of a new contract between it and the municipality of Saint-Bruno.

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November 4, 2018-modernization of the city of Mont-Tremblant matrix

AZIMUT's management team is again pleased to announce the signing of a new contract between it and the MRC des Laurentides for the modernization of the graphic matrix of the city of Mont-Tremblant.

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June 5, 2018-the municipality of Saint-Côme-Liniere opts for GOnet

The AZIMUT management team is again pleased to announce the signing of a contract between it and the municipality of Saint-Côme-Linière

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